

Nov 10

Tatsu presented at the 95th annual meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society. 

Sep 9

Thank you for the beautiful flowers! Happy teacher's day!

August 12

Summer students presentation! Good work for these four weeks @Sirui, Xiuwen, Kaiyue. The rainbow from the window on the last day. I hope you will have great success in the future!

August 11

Yokogawa CQ1 with 2x - 60x objective lenses is installed!!

Great appliciation for all the support from Yokogawa. 

August 5

"Single-chain models illustrate the 3D RNA folding shape during translation" is published in Biophysical Reports.

Inspired by the work of 5'-3' single molecule FISH research, we developed a simple prediction model for 5'-3' RNA length. It can be used in phase-separated assays and translational elongation research! 

Thank you very much for all your help @Horacio, Tianze, Olivia, and Jillian!! @ZidLab #UCSD. And funding support from #Tsinghua-SIGS.

As a side note, this work has been developed during the quarantine period of COVID-19 when the undergraduate cannot come to the lab for wet research. Now the three first authors have both dry and wet research skills to dive into Ph.D. research!

August 1

Nikon W1 with two camera is installed!

Great appliciation for all the support from Nikon. 

July 10

Tatsu attended iBioSynthetic meeting

June 16

Tatsu presented at the Organelle zone seminar (Japan)


Tatsu visited San Diego, Okinawa, Kanazawa, Tsuruoka, and Tokyo for seminars and collaborations!

March 22

Tatsu attended 2022中日人工智能社会创新大会

Jan 7

First Lab meeting and Lab dinner at University town :)

Jan 6

"Single-chain models illustrate the 3D RNA folding shape during translation" - Our new preprint is out!! Please take a look!!
Twitter: @Tatsuhisa_T

Guo et al. modeled the three-dimensional RNA folding shape based on single-chain models. This simulation method is able to recapitulate the mRNA conformation change of the translation activity and three-dimensional positional interaction between organelle and its localized mRNAs.

With our three undergraduates as the first authors, we finished up this project throughout the Covid-19 situation. Good job Tianze, Olivia, and Jillian!! Thank you very much for all your help Zid lab!! @ZidLab @UCSDChemBiochem